Squarespace SEO: The Beginner’s Guide

squarespace seo

Table of Contents

So, you’re a Squarespace user, eh?

Well, let’s get you primed for the big leagues with the best weapon in your digital arsenal: SEO.

It’s not just a buzzword; it’s your ticket to more visibility, more traffic, and ultimately, more revenue.

Ready to crack the Squarespace SEO code? Let’s do this!


  • Use Squarespace’s built-in SEO tools.

  • Optimize your website’s content for search engines by using keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business.

  • Use meta descriptions and title tags to help search engines understand what your website is about.

  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

  • Use Google Analytics to track your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Understanding Squarespace SEO

First off, let’s talk about what makes Squarespace a champ in the SEO arena.

This platform is a one-stop-shop, boasting a hefty array of SEO capabilities designed to make your website a search engine superstar.

We’re talking about integration with Google Analytics and Google Search Console, free SSL certificates, clean HTML markup, automatic tagging, clean URLs, automatic redirects, page descriptions, AMP, built-in mobile optimization, and search engine analytics.

That’s a mouthful of SEO goodness, right?

If you’re itching to see these features at work, Squarespace offers a free 14-day trial. It’s like a backstage pass to the SEO rock concert.

So, why not strap on your SEO guitar and give it a whirl?

The Squarespace SEO Scorecard: Pros and Cons

Like any platform, Squarespace has its highlights and lowlights.

Let’s look at Squarespace 7.1 – the version that’s especially SEO-friendly and compliant with Google’s ‘Core Web Vitals’ requirements.

If SEO is your game, then version 7.1 is the name to remember.

However, even Squarespace isn’t a magic SEO wand. You’ll still need to roll up your sleeves and optimize specific aspects of your website.

But, let me tell you, the effort is worth the payoff.

And don’t forget, you can bring in the cavalry with third-party tools like Hubspot to assess your Squarespace SEO performance.

Because who doesn’t love a second opinion, right?

Squarespace SEO Best Practices

You’re about to launch your Squarespace website, and you’re as excited as a kid in a candy store.

But hold your horses!

Before you hit that “publish” button, let’s do a quick once-over of the essential pre-publishing Squarespace SEO elements.

You know, cross the T’s and dot the I’s. 

Before Publishing

1. Site Information and Design – A Friendly Guide for Google Bots

Think of your website like a book.

Is it easy to flip through?

Can Google’s bots find their way around it?

If your site navigation is as complicated as a maze, those bots will get lost.

And we don’t want that, do we?

So make it user-friendly. Ensure your important pages aren’t buried deeper than a pirate’s treasure.

2. Multilingual SEO – The More the Merrier

Are you planning to go multilingual?


But remember, each language needs its own URL.

This way, you’ll pop up in Google searches for all your new markets.

It’s like having multiple storefronts – one for each language!

3. Secure Your Site – SSL, Your New Best Friend

Have you enabled SSL settings?

If not, do it now.

It’s like a security blanket for your website, enhancing security and boosting SEO performance.

4. Meta Description – Your Site’s First Impression

A good meta description is like a great movie trailer.

It should leave people wanting more.

So add a killer meta description to your Squarespace home page.

It’s easy, just go to Marketing > SEO Appearance and let your creativity flow in the ‘SEO site description’ box.

After Publishing


You’ve launched your website.

But the SEO game isn’t over. It’s just getting started.

Now it’s time to focus on content optimization and tracking site traffic.

So, roll up your sleeves and let’s dive in.

1. Content Optimization – The Heart of SEO

Quality content is the heart of SEO.

Always remember, Google loves content that addresses user intent and includes relevant keywords.

So, make your content engaging, helpful, and sprinkle it with those magic SEO dust – keywords.

2. Image Alt Text – A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

But only if search engines understand what it’s about.

So, add descriptive alt text to your images.

It’s like whispering in Google’s ear, “Hey, this is what my image is about.”

3. Custom 404 Page – Turning Errors into Opportunities

Errors happen, but a custom 404 page can turn those into opportunities.

Make it user-friendly and fun.

It’s like telling your visitors, “Oops, we made a boo-boo. But hey, here are some other cool pages you might like.”

4. Track Site Traffic – Keep an Eye on the Prize

Lastly, don’t forget to monitor your website’s performance.

Use Google Search Console and Google Analytics as your watchtowers.

And make adjustments as needed.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

Squarespace SEO Settings and Techniques

To fully maximize your Squarespace website’s search engine visibility, it’s crucial to utilize the platform’s SEO settings and techniques.

By implementing these settings and techniques, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

These Squarespace SEO settings and techniques cover a wide range of optimization areas, from keyword research and content creation, to domain and URL optimization, image optimization, and more. 

Performing Keyword Research

Let’s kick things off with the cornerstone of SEO—keyword research.

Think of it as the GPS guiding your website to the search engine sweet spot.

It’s all about finding those magic words your potential visitors are punching into their search engines.

To hit the keyword jackpot, consider tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, or Ubersuggest.

These SEO Sherpas will guide you to the most relevant keywords for your content.

Remember, it’s not just about what you’re selling, it’s about what your audience is searching for.

Offering High-Quality Content

Next stop on our SEO voyage—content creation.

High-quality content is the lifeblood of your website. It’s the tasty bait that hooks your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

The secret sauce?

Offering informative, engaging content that quenches the thirst of user intent and skillfully weaves in those carefully researched keywords.

To keep Google’s quality content bots happy, make sure your content is valuable, relevant, and tasty enough to get mouths watering and mouse clicks clicking.

Optimizing Domain Name, URLs, and Title Tags

Now, let’s talk about tuning up your website’s domain name, URLs, and site title.

Think of these as your website’s storefront, inviting users in with a clear, enticing message about what they’ll find inside.

Sprinkle keywords into the domain name, build descriptive URLs, and craft unique, enticing title tags.

Keep URLs snappy and comprehensible, and limit title tags to 60 characters.

Trust me, users and search engines appreciate brevity.

Simplifying URLs and Using Keywords in URLs

Ever wished there was a road map to navigate the world of SEO?

Well, your URLs could just be that! Think of URLs as the highways guiding search engines to your Squarespace website.

When you keep URLs clean and clutter-free, it’s like clearing out traffic jams, making it super easy for search engines to cruise through your site. 

And don’t forget the power of keywords!

They’re like those handy highway signs, helping search engines understand what your site is all about. 

Oh, and if you decide to change your URL, don’t forget to leave a signpost behind.

Create a redirect to guide search engines to the new location.

That way, they won’t get lost and end up in a dead-end street. 

Integrating with Google Tools

Now that we’ve got your URLs sorted, let’s talk about some powerful tools to supercharge your SEO game.

Ever heard of Google Search Console and Google My Business?

If not, it’s time to get acquainted! 

These tools are like your SEO Swiss army knife.

They help you track website traffic, optimize your ranking, and make informed decisions about how your site appears in search results.

It’s like having your own personal SEO strategist! 

Just create a Google account, add your website to Google Search Console, and then link it to Google My Business. Easy peasy!

SEO Page Titles, Descriptions, and Meta Descriptions

Next up, we’ve got SEO page titles, descriptions, and meta descriptions.

These are like the cover of your SEO book, giving search engines a sneak peek of what your page is all about. 

Make sure your page titles and descriptions are concise, clear, and chock-full of relevant keywords.

It’s like writing a catchy headline for your page that grabs search engines’ attention.

And remember, just like a book cover, make sure your information is accurate and up-to-date.

Improving Images and Using Image Alt Text

You know that saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”?

Well, in SEO, a well-optimized image can be worth a thousand clicks! 

Adding descriptive alt text to your images is like giving search engines a guided tour of your site’s visuals.

It helps them understand what the image is about, boosting your search engine rankings and enhancing the user experience. 

To add alt text in Squarespace, just click “apply” and enter the caption under the image.

And don’t worry if you don’t want the caption to be visible on the page.

Just follow the same process, but select “Do Not Display Caption”. 

Removing Duplicate Content

Ah, duplicate content – the bane of every SEO strategist’s existence.

It’s like that extra slice of pizza you know you shouldn’t have, but it’s just too tempting.

But just as that pizza can lead to an extra pound on the scale, duplicate content can drag down your website’s SEO performance like an anchor. 

Here’s a simple solution.

Get yourself friendly with tools such as Screaming Frog, CopyScape, and SiteLiner.

They’re like the best friends you never knew you needed, helping you identify any pesky duplicate content that’s been lurking around. 

Once you’ve found the culprits, it’s time to show them the door.

Use 301 redirects, canonical URLs, or robots noindex directives to bid them adieu, and voila!

You’re on your way to an improved SEO performance. 

Checking SSL Settings and Turning on SSL

Next up on our agenda: SSL.

Think of SSL as your website’s personal bodyguard, encrypting data and keeping it safe as it travels between your site and its visitors.

Search engines love SSL – it’s like catnip to them. 

So, how do you turn on this magic charm?

Simple. Just mosey on over to Settings > Advanced > SSL and flip that switch to ‘on’.

You’ve now armed your website with an SSL certificate, which is a powerful weapon in your SEO arsenal. 

Creating Custom 404 Page

Ever landed on a 404 page and felt like you’d stumbled into the internet equivalent of a ghost town?

Not a great feeling, right?

That’s where a custom 404 page comes in. 

With Squarespace, creating a custom 404 page is as easy as pie.

Just head over to the web pages tab, click the + icon, and select “404 Page” from the list.

Add some engaging content, and voilà!

Your custom 404 page is ready to roll. 

Internal Linking

It’s like the GPS of your website.

By connecting pages with relevant links, you’re providing a roadmap for both search engines and visitors. 

Not only does this help search engines understand your site better (which they’ll reward with higher rankings), but it also enhances user engagement.

More engagement equals more conversions and sales. So, go ahead and sprinkle those internal links like confetti! 

Adding Schema Markup

Think of Schema Markup as the secret language of search engines.

It’s HTML code that includes tags defined by Schema.org. (No, they’re not a secret society, just a collaborative project between the “search engine superheroes” – Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Yandex.)

Their sole mission?

To help you, the webmaster, provide more precise information to search engines. 

By implementing schema markup on your Squarespace website, you’re effectively enhancing your site’s search engine visibility.

Plus, you’re giving your users more engaging content.

It’s like a double whammy of goodness!

Considering Hreflang and Canonical Tags

Now, let’s talk about the dynamic duo of Hreflang and Canonical tags.

Their superpowers?

Managing multilingual and duplicate content on your website for better SEO.

Hreflang tags allow you to target content to different languages or regions like a linguistic Robin Hood, while canonical tags designate which version of a page search engines should give their royal stamp of approval. 

Implementing these tags is like unleashing a magic spell that improves your website’s search engine rankings and provides a better user experience for visitors from different regions or speaking different languages.

Now, who wouldn’t want that?

Optimizing for Mobile and Voice Search

Ensuring your Squarespace website is optimized for mobile devices is non-negotiable.

Why? Because Google, the king of search engines, indexes websites primarily based on their mobile version.

Squarespace offers mobile-optimized templates that make your site look as pretty as a picture on different screen sizes and touch navigation. 

Voice search is the new kid on the SEO block, and it’s growing faster than a teenager during a growth spurt.

Optimizing your website for voice search helps you stay ahead of the pack and cater to the growing number of users who rely on voice-activated technology. 

Turning on AMP and Submitting Sitemap and Content Changes

You need to switch on the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) feature.

Trust me, it’s as easy as pie.

Just strut on over to Settings > AMP > AMP. Blogging and hit “Use AMP”.

Don’t forget to save your changes.

Voila! Your site is now AMP-ified.

Now, don’t forget to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Think of it as sending an invitation to search engines to come and index your site.

It’s like telling them, “Hey, I’m here and I’m ready to climb the SEO ladder!”

Writing and Structuring Content for SEO

Next up, you need to master the art of writing SEO-friendly content.

The secret sauce?

Craft content that resonates with user intent and integrates relevant keywords.

Remember, Google is on the hunt for high-quality content, so give it what it wants!

Understanding Google’s Quality Content Guidelines

Now, let’s talk about Google’s quality content guidelines.

They’re the SEO equivalent of the Holy Grail.

They provide a roadmap to creating content that ranks well and engages your audience.

It might seem like a daunting task, but trust me, the effort you put into crafting high-quality posts will be worth its weight in gold.

Improving Website Appearance in Search Results

Want your site to shine in search engine result pages (SERPs)?

Focus on optimizing your title tags, headings, meta descriptions, and URLs. It’s like dressing your site up for the search engine party.

The better it looks, the more likely it is to get noticed.

Checking Favicon and Increasing User Engagement

Ever noticed that little icon next to the website name in your browser tab?

That’s your favicon, and it’s more important than you think. A well-designed favicon can enhance user engagement and trust.

To check your favicon, use a tool like Favicon Checker.

It’s like having a quick health check-up for your favicon.

User engagement is the holy grail of SEO.

Think about it, the more engaged your users are, the more they’ll interact with your site, boosting its SEO potential.

So, how do you increase user engagement?

With a mix of killer content, mobile optimization, and social media promotion.

It’s a winning SEO combo!

Incorporating Social Media Integration

Sharing content on social platforms can significantly boost your site’s SEO.

Plus, it’s a fantastic way to drive more traffic to your site and increase user engagement.

It’s like having an SEO party and inviting all your social media friends!

Achieving Online Success with a Squarespace SEO Game Plan

Alright, we’ve covered a lot of ground here.

But let’s circle back to the main point: Squarespace SEO is crucial for your online success. 

By following this guide and leveraging Squarespace’s SEO capabilities, you can boost your search engine rankings.

With the right strategy and a dash of dedication, your website can outshine the competition and drive more traffic.

Our SEO services at Traffv are ready to help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of SEO.

After all, we’re all about driving traffic and revenue to your website.

Let’s make your Squarespace site the star of the search results!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Squarespace any good for SEO?

Squarespace is a great choice for SEO, with a 5 out of 5 rating in our research. It’s built-in tools and user-friendly features make it easy to optimize content and maximize search engine visibility.

Overall, Squarespace is an excellent option for improving your website’s SEO performance.

How do I optimize SEO on Squarespace?

To optimize SEO on Squarespace, you should focus on performing keyword research, creating high-quality content, optimizing title tags, simplifying URLs, improving images, removing duplicate content, and turning on SSL.

Additionally, integrating with Google Search Console, My Business, and creating a custom 404 page can help ensure the best SEO results.

Is SEO better on WordPress or Squarespace?

It comes down to a matter of preference and budget. WordPress requires more work, but it’s more customizable; meanwhile, Squarespace offers most of the basics already in place.

Ultimately, either platform can be optimized for SEO if you have the right tools and know-how.

How much does SEO cost for Squarespace?

When it comes to SEO for Squarespace, you have the option of hiring an expert or doing it yourself. Professional SEO experts typically charge between $175-$700 per package, while DIY options range from free to around $100, depending on your needs.

Ultimately, the cost of SEO for Squarespace will depend on your desired level of optimization and services.

What is the best template for SEO on Squarespace?

For optimal SEO, Squarespace recommends selecting a template that suits your desired content structure, styling preferences and features while also following the platform’s best practices.

Doing so will help you create an effective SEO strategy.

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Article by:

Jaden is the CMO and SEO lead at Traffv. With over 10 years of marketing experience, he has worked with renowned MNCs and his work has been featured in outlets like Hubspot and International Business Times.
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